Below are websites provided by Jim Riley relating to the topic of the deer farming industry in Louisiana and across North America.

NADeFA www.nadefa.org
The North American Deer Farmers Association is dedicated to the promotion of deer farming and ranching as an agricultural pursuit.

Texas Deer Association ​www.texasdeerassociation.com​
Texas Deer Association is the unified voice of deer enthusiasts who seek to share ideas and methods to improve management and harvest of deer. We are a Texas deer organization that cares for the welfare and health of deer herds and methods to increase deer and hunting quality in Texas. The TDA is working toward better conservation, appropriate regulations, and improving the overall quality of deer herds in Texas.

National Whitetail Deer Farm and Hunting Preserve Insurance Program www.nationaldeerinsurance.com
​Comprehensive coverage and competitive pricing for the National Deer Breeders & Hunting Preserve Insurance Program.

Whitetail Sales and Service www.whitetailsales.com
For all of your Whitetail deer breeding and fawn care products!

North American Deer Registry ​​
NADR has contracted with DNA Solutions to perform the genotyping services as well as administration of the records. DNA Solutions has many years of experience in genetic analysis and will continue to provide the highest quality and superior DNA testing services.

Deer Breeders Corporation​ www.dbcdeer.com
The Deer Breeders Corporation is a non-profit organization created to provide a fair, honest, ethical organization for our members. The DBC was founded to help its members prosper and create an organizational structure that will allow for unlimited member involvement and contribution. Through this organization, our members are provided the means for people to band together to gain collective bargaining and purchasing power. The DBC has been formed to support one of our greatest natural resources, the white-tailed deer. By working with other organizations across the nation, and our state wildlife agencies, the DBC hopes to foster better habitat, provide youth with outdoor education, and deer industry awareness programs that lead to a vibrant and thriving deer industry.

Whitetails of Louisiana www.whitetailsofla.com​
Whitetails of Louisiana is dedicated to providing information and education to its members and the public about the cervid industry. It promotes growing and harvesting Louisiana Whitetail deer and other cervids while maintaining the highest ethical standards.
Whitetail Exchange www.whitetailexchange.com​
Whitetail Exchange is the home for the most comprehensive online deer auction available today.

Exotic Wildlife Association www.myewa.org​
Exotic Wildlife Association's mission is to encourage and expand the conservation of both native and non-native hoof-stock, and to help our members develop and strengthen the markets for their animals.

Deerfarmer.​​​​​​​​​​​com www.deerfarmer.com
The purpose of Deerfarmer.com is to promote and provide information about white-tailed deer farming in North America.